Campus Efforts
Hazing Prevention Taskforce
The university has appointed an interdisciplinary task force to assess the NC State culture around hazing and design prevention strategies to serve as the foundation for the partnership between the university, students and organizations. Moving forward, we will clearly communicate expectations and design systems to empower leadership and members to proactively manage hazing-related risks. We will respond appropriately to decisions and incidents that are not aligned with expectations regarding hazing, and in doing so, maintain a community that fosters student and organizational success.
Fraternity/Sorority New Member Bill of RightsCOMMUNITY
National Hazing Prevention Week in September
NHPW is an opportunity for campuses, schools, communities, organizations and individuals to raise awareness about the problem of hazing, education others about hazing, and promote the prevention of hazing. HazingPrevention.Org™ is the organizer of National Hazing Prevention Week (NHPW). On-campus efforts are led by Order of Omega.